My Baby is 1 Month Old: What should he/she be able to do?

So your baby is approaching 1 month old and has been the center of your world for almost 30 days. Here are the things you should expect your child to do by 1 month of age.
By 1 month of age, your child should be able to:
Gross Motor/Physical Movement
Hold his/her head up when lying on your chest or lying on his/her tummy
Move his/her arms and legs equally on both sides
Smile in his/her sleep
Make eye contact with you
Begin to coo and make baby sounds
Cognitive/Learning & Problem-solving
Follow your movement with his/her eyes for short stretches (not all the way across the room yet)
If your child is 1 month old is doing all of these things, great!!

Tips to Help Your Child Reach Their 1 Month Milestones
Tummy time: Set your child on top of a blanket/playmat on the floor for “tummy time” at least once a day. Don't worry if your baby seems to hate "tummy time". Some babies do. If your baby is fussing and crying while in "tummy time", it's okay to pick your baby up and try again later or on another day. Try not to do tummy time right after your baby has eaten as this may result in stomach discomfort and spit-ups.
Talk: Talk to your baby as much as possible. You may not realize it, but their little baby brain is absorbing everything you do and say. Your baby may look at you and listen intently, staring at and absorbing the sound of your voice, the inflection in your tone, and the facial expressions you make.
Smile and play: Smile at and play with your child often. This helps to develop your child socially and reminds him/her constantly that they are loved and cared for.
Read: Read simple books to your child. Reading is fundamental at all stages of learning and helps your child to be exposed to and absorb as much information as possible. Don't worry if your baby doesn't look at the book as you're reading at this age but know that they are still listening to you. Books with high contrast colors are best at this age, as your baby's vision can distinguish these type of colors/pictures best.

When to Be Worried
If your child is already 1 month of age and is not meeting these milestones, talk to your child’s pediatrician. You know your child better than anyone else. If you are concerned your child may have a delay in his/her development, it is better to intervene sooner rather than later. This gives your child the best chance of catching up to his/her peers by the time he or she reaches school age.
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